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Posted by nyzxo 15 years ago.

Would we be able to get a loan in Australia to pay off our NZ finance company?

Hi ya, my family & I are relocating to Melbourne very soon. My partner's job is paying for all moving costs etc, including getting our vehicle shipped @ their cost...My question is, would we be able to get our car financed from there, to pay off the NZ finance company?

1 reply on 28 January 2010.
Reply from jess 15 years ago.

I dont quite understand the question. If your asking for finance from Australia whilst your still in NZ to help ship your things. Then no you wont get the finance. You'll need to be currently living in Australia, and working currently to get finance, and you usually dont get approved for finance for at least 3 months of moving to Australia.

You will probably be better off just applying for a credit card or a personal loan to pay for it when you get to Australia.

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