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Posted by edc 17 years ago.

Will my asthma be better or worse in Australia?

We are moving to Brisbane in Feb/March 09 and my kids and I get asthma pretty bad in the winter here. I was wondering if Australia will be better or worse for us with the warmer weather?

7 replies, the latest on 09 October 2017.
Reply from john-doe 17 years ago.

I also suffer badly from asthma in NZ. However on my holidays in Oz, mainly Brisbane and Gold Coast I have not suffered at all. I find that whenever I'm out of NZ my asthma improves out of sight! No matter where in the world I am.

Reply from milliebond 16 years ago.

Hi, I moved to Brisbane for 6 months about 5 years ago. I'd suffered from chronic asthma for about 20 years. I too was concerned about how my asthma would be in a different country and I took truckloads of inhalers and pills into the country with me (had to get a letter from my doctor in case customs questioned it).

But would you beleive it, my asthma disappeared while I was there and I didnt need any pills or any inhalers the whole time. Even when I came back to New Zealand, I didn't have any sign of asthma for about 3 years. And then it only came on during the cold seasonal changeover.

Dont know if the air there is less polluted or what but I was amazed at the almost instant disappearance of something I'd had suffered with for such a long time. Not saying that this is the case for everyone but it's what happened to me.

Reply from horiboi 16 years ago.

I have a 7year old daughter who was diagnosed with asthma when we were living in new zealand in 2003 and it was pretty bad, but when we moved to back to brisbane a year later she never had a problem with it and didnt have to take any medication.

But now we have recently moved back to nz and her asthma has played up again and now she is back on medication, so for her at least it was alot better there for her than here, hope you have the same luck with your children over there.

Reply from ally 16 years ago.

You will probably find that the child's asthma improves in Oz because your house will not have as much condensation.

We found that our son was getting some asthma symptoms and we put an HRV in our house and they disappeared. He never had a problem in Australia at all.

Now we are going back we are looking forward to being able to dry clothes in winter without an enormous electricity bill at the end of the month.

Reply from inoz4good 14 years ago.

For what its worth, both my brothers suffered from chronic asthma and moved to Brisbane from Auckland 3 years ago and havent picked up their inhalers once!

Reply from john-doe 8 years ago.

I have C O P D.. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Yea really bad asthma, I thought was I kidding myself when I went to Brisbane, Australia...

I found my asthma seemed to completely disappear, was I so happy to see my family there or what.. And I told my doctor here, about it , and he said there must be something in the air there that's helping ( possibly ) asthma sufferers .

Wow! I walked the dog in Oz, no problems.. never ever got breathless there.. Yahoo!. OMG! back in blighty , and bingo can't damn well walk very quickly again.. The hell of asthma has come back with a mighty vengence .. I love OZ..

Reply from terina 7 years ago.

I too suffer from asthma always sucking on my pumps everyday I went to Brisbane for 5 days - didn't use my inhalers once

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