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Posted by cheries 12 years ago.

Will my 5 year old have to basically cover kindergarten year all over again?

My daughter is 5 and a half and rocketing through her first year at primary here in NZ. She is a.ready reading a year above her age. My concern is that when we move to Auz shortly, she will be past kindergarten level and get bored quickly. Has anyone out there had experience with this? I would like to know how it will work.

2 replies, the latest on 14 September 2013.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

It depends where you are moving to as to what the school start age is. Most states will let children start school from 5 years of age (although usually not compulsory until age 6), so she shouldn't have to repeat Kindergarten. There's some more info here:

Reply from kaharua 11 years ago.

We are moving to Clarkson, Perth and needing to find out for my 5 year old child where the most suitable primary schools are in that suburb also if there is a zoning for schools from where you live, is there a cut off time for registering your child into a school there and roughly how much are registration fees per year or break term. Thank you.

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