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Posted by mary 17 years ago.

Will a TV purchased in NZ work in Australia?

Is it worth taking electrical equipment to Australia?

5 replies, the latest on 21 July 2023.
Reply from mike-in-oz 3 years ago.

NZ TV can't get all programs in AU. If retuned you get nothing at all. The answer seems to be buy a separate tuner I am told. If you are happy with less programs don't retune it.

Reply from melbourne-maven 17 years ago.

Hi Mary. Yes - Australia has the same voltage rating etc as New Zealand. All of our computer and stereo equipment, and appliances that we brought over from NZ work fine. Your TV might not be worth it though as HDTV capable TVs are pretty cheap over here (especially at JB Hi-Fi). We got a new 42" plasma from there for AUD$1,300 and you can get them cheaper than that now. Phones work well too - but you will need to get a different lead to the wall socket as the phone jacks are different here in Aussie.

Reply from kiwi-chick 17 years ago.

We bought a 50" in melbourne for $2000 from Panasales, and got a FREE PS3 and portable DVD player - you wouldnt believe the electrical prices!!!

Reply from jassi 10 years ago.

hi... i have brought two LED TV from NZ to Australia, Sony and Panasonic... The Sony tunes up all channels but Panasonic does not work....

What is the issue????

Reply from will-my-samsung-tv-work-here-ozzie 2 years ago.

We have just moved here to Australia and are waiting for all out belongings to arrive. We have a 2 year old Samsung TV and we’re wondering/hoping it will Work here in Australia. I know that power is the same but will we be able to watch programmes on it I.e. Australian TV channels. Many thanks

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