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Posted by agila 17 years ago.
Which Melbourne suburbs are close to St Kilda Road?
We are moving to Australia at the end of September. My work place is in St Kilda Road. Which are the suburbs that have a direct and reliable public transport link to St Kilda Road? How long will it take to find a rental property there?
2 replies, the latest on 26 August 2008.
Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.
Here's a view from google maps: It shows the suburbs, tram lines, train stations etc.
Reply from little-helper 17 years ago.
How long it takes to find a rental property varies greatly depending on: how much rent you are prepared to pay, the time of year you are looking, the type of property you want to rent etc. It's best to take a look on places like to see how many properties are available, but of course that doesn't really tell you how competitive the market is at this time of year.
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