None (yet)
Posted by bump 14 years ago.

Where to go when your SCV has been declined?

I'v got criminal convictions. I filled out and sent the disclosure form in and the following week got my answer that I'm not of good character and am only allowed to apply for a tourist visa. My convictions were 2007-2006 assault and the rest 1999 jailed for 6 months served 3 for good behaviour on drinking and driving. My question is: is there a way around this? Can I get it reviewed? Is it worth getting reviewed? I want to move with my wife and four kids. We all hold NZ I just move over and tick no on the form?

1 reply on 28 April 2011.
Reply from passby 14 years ago.

You can't enter unless hold a visa. your criminal record has already in their computer. so They will stop you at customs

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