None (yet)
Posted by evelyn-arnold 17 years ago.

Where there any household items you were not allowed to take into Australia?

2 replies, the latest on 26 December 2010.
Reply from ukkoru 16 years ago.

I come back to NZ from Queensland 6 months ago. We took all our household furniture with us. Australia will try to put you off taking anything cane, but so long as all your belongings are really clean, free from dust, cobwebs, bora etc (really go overboard with the cleaning) you can take it all.

Reply from sillybuga 14 years ago.

our moving costs were paid for so we could take the whole household. we chose not to take over garden equipment, tent or the bbq because weren't sure how strict they were going to be and would have had to clean alot of gear. We took the lawnmower but spent alot of time scrubbing it clean. all the stuff came through fine, all items potentially dodgy from a bugs/dirt perspective were opened for inspection. The moving company said old whiteware can't come because of the old style refrigerants that are damaging to the environment. We had a fridge 8 years old and a newer freezer and they were fine but I would check if yours are older. get a free quote from a moving company, even if you don't intend to use them they will be able to look at your gear and let you know what can come over.

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