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Posted by tinggg 16 years ago.

Where is a good place to live in Perth?


We're moving to Perth in February 09. We are 2 adults in our early 40's and are looking for somewhere quiet by the sea but accessible to the city for work. Can anyone recommend an area/s for us to research?

Also, how easy is it to get a rental in Perth? How's the job situation there - I'm a web developer? Are the flies really THAT bad? Sorry for all the questions but if anyone can answer even one that would be great:)


5 replies, the latest on 02 March 2009.
Reply from kons2 16 years ago.

I have just moved back to NZ from Perth and YES the flies are that bad but only between Nov and Mar or if you live North where it's hotter. Yes you pay a bond to apply for a rental but you get it back if it's rented to someone else. Freemantle is nice but about 30mins from Perth and not cheap....good luck

Reply from kiwinoz 16 years ago.

Yes the flies are THAT bad - however sadly you do get used to them

Reply from mini26 16 years ago.

My partner just moved to Perth a couple of months ago. He reckons Fremantle is a nice place to live as is close to the sea. Apparently you need to pay a bond to look/view a house thats if you are going through a real estate agent or if you can and go privately. I'm going over at the end of Feb so I hope he has a house for us by then.

Reply from kalpesh-patel 16 years ago.

No the Flies are not that bad its another Kiwi myth. I actually had more flies when I was in New Zealand. They are present but nothing to worry about.

Reply from dahlin56 16 years ago.

Nah nah nah, they are worse in WA, I've talked to my partner on 2 separate occasions where a fly has flown n2 his mouth while talkin' and he spat it out and goes "Bloody flies!" lol he also said that ya get use to them too, YUCK! Yip I 2 will be headin ova at the end of Feb and hope he hooks us a house by then 2. Yes viewing bond he had to pay as well.Rockingham, Fremantle, Mandurah all south west of city and close to beach.

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