None (yet)
Posted by dresden 15 years ago.

Where do I renew my New Zealand passport in Perth?

Reply from forum moderator over 1 year ago on 9 November 2023.

Most NZ citizens can apply online for both passport renewal and new passports.

You may not be able to renew your passport online if:

  • your existing passport was issued before 24 February 1992
  • your first and middle name are longer than 48 characters (including spaces)
  • your surname is longer than 48 characters (including spaces)
  • you have a diacritic in your name (for example, an accent, umlaut or macron)
  • you wear a head covering for religious or medical reasons
  • you had an endorsement on the observation page (page 4) of your last passport
  • you are unable to sign your passport.

Important: If you are renewing your existing passport then you will not be able to travel on it once you have submitted the renewal application online.

Here is what you will need to renew your NZ passport:

  • realme login -
  • details of your existing NZ passport - the passport number and the issuing authority (e.g. DIA WLG/Wellington).
  • an identity referee who is over 16, has a current or expired NZ passport, has known you for at least 12 months, and agrees to be your referee (the passport office says they might contact them to verify details of your application). A referee cannot be family or live at the same address as you.
  • a colour passport photo less than 6 months old -
  • a credit or debit card for payment.
  • an address to deliver your new passport.

Start your application here:

12 replies, the latest on 03 June 2020.
Reply from jokar4eva 15 years ago.

Contact the New Zealand Passport Office Department of Internal Affairs Level 10 55 Hunter Street Sydney GPO Box 365 Sydney New South Wales 2001 Phone: 1300 559 535 (Australia only) Phone: (+61 2) 9225-2300 Fax: (+61 2) 9223-0223 Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 4:00pm, except Wednesday 9:30am - 4:00pm or check the requiremnts on their webpage

Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Hi there, To renew your NZ passport while living in Australia, you need to download the passport renewal form here: And then mail or courier it to: New Zealand Passport Office Department of Internal Affairs GPO Box 365 Sydney NSW 2001

Reply from payment-for-passport 12 years ago.

Can i pay for my newzealand pasport at a perth post office then send the paperowrk away to sydney as i have already filled in the paperowrk i will go to the post office in the morning and get my photos done and then post it to sydney the question i ask can i pay for my passport here in perth at a perth office

Reply from lois-gray 8 years ago.

Can I have renewal forms sent to me?

Reply from alfa 7 years ago.

Im about to do the same as lois g has or going to do. So what was her reply can i ask?

Reply from renew-passport 7 years ago.

Is there any office in Perth that I can renew my New Zealand passport please?

Reply from solo-ranger 6 years ago.

My New Zealand passport has expired, I wondering how to renew my passport here Australia WA

Reply from biz-elws 5 years ago.


im trying to renew my passport here in Australia but for a reference can they be from new Zealand??

Reply from cuzzy 5 years ago.

hi guys I was born in new zealand now living in perth my passport has expired and im doing me a realme account, having trouble figure out the 4 digit prefix code for perth/Australia?? any help

Reply from justin-mcwilliam 5 years ago.

Hi, where in Perth can I go to renew my passport? I don’t want to do it online.

Reply from mingo 5 years ago.

everyone wants to know , as i do, where in Perth can a Kiwi renew their passport, tried to get onto Realme but for some reason it doesn't understand my new Australian twang

Reply from graciedeska 5 years ago.

At the moment, due to Covid, all walk-in counters are closed so you will need to complete the paper application and mail it to the Sydney office to renew your passport. The form is here:

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