None (yet)
Posted by jessie 17 years ago.

When filling out the arrival form on the plane before landing in Australia, do I state that I am intending to live there permanently or that i am just visiting? I am a NZ citizen born & bred.

8 replies, the latest on 23 August 2013.
Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

go with whatever you're actually doing. Better to tell the truth when you're dealing with customs. As an NZ citizen you will automatically get a Special Category Visa anyway, so there's no extra hassle in saying you're staying permanently if that is your intention.

Reply from wait-awhile-wa 16 years ago.

Just say u're visiting. it's simpler that way..

Reply from debbie 16 years ago.

ok so at the sound of sounding stupid haha..someone like myself can buy a one way ticket tomorrow and just fly in and say i plan on livinf for a few yrs and they stamp my visa and off we go? is it all that easy? are there other forms and things to fill out?

Reply from interested 16 years ago.

Yes Debbie - you could do that if you wanted to, so long as you don't have any [serious] criminal convictions. There's nothing to fill out other than your standard Aussie immigration card, where you just say that you intend to live in Australia for the foreseeable future.

Reply from mayflower 16 years ago.

Yes, pretty simple for an NZ citizen eh!? It does get a little more complicated if you want the benefits afforded permanent residents and citizens though, as you would need to apply for a medicare card, aussie driver's licence, tax file number (IRD number), etc. But there's no need to apply for a visa in most instances (i.e. no criminal record)

Reply from anonymous 16 years ago.

You should say that you intend to stay permanently to be granted the 'automatic' visa and getting some of the social benefit ...

Reply from daigey 15 years ago.

about seven yrs ago i left nz for oz to live and work permanently, i lived and worked for 2 yrs and fell pregnant there. wnen i was about 6-7 mnths pregnant, i went to ask assistance from Centre link and Medicare, to my horror i was denied. Why is that? So i came back to NZ to have my daughter. Now my daughter is 4yrs old and i want us to go back and live there permanently, what do i have to do if i want to ask them assistance again, i do want to go back and work in Oz, pls help

Reply from megan-nick-and-taleah 12 years ago.

i will be sing a song called jerney to the past with tow other people

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