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Posted by tenilleb 15 years ago.

What is the best way of moving my cats to Brisbane and around how much will it cost?

Hi there, My partner and I are in the process of moving over to Australia from Nelson, New Zealand and are wanting to know how much it would cost to fly our cats over?

3 replies, the latest on 14 June 2012.
Reply from catlover 15 years ago.

A recent quote from Crown Relocation is around NZ$1300 to move two cats from Auckland to Melbourne. Rather expensive I reckon.

Reply from shazandy 14 years ago.

It is quite expensive to move animals, we are moving 2 dogs and 1 cat to Melbourne and its costing approx $2300 but we have been dealing with a great lady at Dogtainers, and they were one of the best prices.

Reply from kiwinana 13 years ago.

Hi There! I'm horrified at the price quoted for moving one small cat from Auckland to Melbourne with Southern Comfort. Can anyone recommend the most economic yet caring pet transportation company for a Nana with no income other than Superannuation, please?

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