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Posted by miss-unsure 15 years ago.

What do I need to prepare a 13 year old to live in Australia?

I have a 13-year-old son moving to Brizzy in Australia to live with grandparents...I guess I would like 2 know what I have to prepare for him....i.e. legally, schooling, medical, make his stay over there as stress-free as possible for myself and my parents...

1 reply on 20 November 2010.
Reply from eliasmum 14 years ago.

I guess just the usual preparations when a big change happens in your family. The school system is structured quite the same as here, but like moving to any new school your child will have the normal things to adjust too including being at a different place in that years school curriculum.

From what I understand there are very few cultural differences, except that Australian children generally have more after school activities, more pressure in general to succeed at a higher rate and no Te Reo.

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