None (yet)
Posted by deeman 17 years ago.

We've lived in NZ for 3 years and have residency, but now we are looking at moving to Australia. Would we have to start from scratch since we don't have NZ Citizenship?

9 replies, the latest on 25 May 2014.
Reply from melbs 17 years ago.

I'm not an immigration expert but all the research I've done tells me that a special category visa (SCV), allowing New Zealanders to live and work in Australia, is only available to NZ citizens - not those who have NZ residency. Depending on your situation (your citizenship etc), it might be easiest to become a NZ citizen and then move to Australia, rather than trying to become an Australian resident through other channels. Just a thought, but it depends on how eager you are to move etc.

Reply from deena 17 years ago.

Yes, Iam quite confused about this too... Am a nz perm resident and been in NZ for the last 6 years and eager to move to Australia. Could someone please advice how this thing works? cheers guys.

Reply from wellingtonian 17 years ago.

You can move to Oz under the SCV only if you are a NZ citizen.. every one else require a proper visa to move to OZ for work / visit / tour / etc. How soon you get your NZ citizenship after being a NZ PR holder depends on when you were granted NZ residency. If you applied for PR and were granted it before Apr 21 2005 (not 100% sure abt this date.. pls check Min. of internal affairs website for more info).. it should be fairly easy to get your NZ cit. otherwise, it'll take you 5 years to get your Cit. Hope this helps.

Reply from josh 16 years ago.

Hi, me and my wife and 3 children want to move over to Aus. My wife is NZ Citizen and so are my children. I am a NZ resident. How does it work then? cheers guys

Reply from melburniang 14 years ago.

Your wife can sponsor you as the holder (or future holder) of a Special Category Visa. You would be eligible for the New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship (Temporary) Visa (Subclass 461). However, as its name suggests, it is temporary -- 5 years. To make your residency permanent, your wife would have to become a PR.

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

Hi, I really want to know if a nz residence is elligible to apply an australia permanent residence plz My whole family holds a nz citizenship and are ready to move except me, any answers for me plz

Reply from anonymous 12 years ago.

My suggestion is, stay in NZ as we already have so many Kiwis in Australia. Enjoy your time there.

Reply from jacqueline-smith 11 years ago.

Omg ... I'm a NZer living in Australia for the past 5 years. So this is why us Kiwis get a bad rap here? Because you are going to New Zealand trying to get Citizenship and failing that oh let's try Australia? So you're coming in the Back Door.... I didn't use an alias cos I'm proud Of Who I Are... Who R U and Where is your Real country ???????

Reply from reader 11 years ago.

Yes you would have to start from scratch. If you are not a nz citizen and just hold a PR in nz you would need a visa to enter Australia. And that will take time. Even if you do apply for NZ citizenship you will not be entitiled to any govenment funding in australia.

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