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Posted by scc1 17 years ago.

We are permanent residents of New Zealand and are thinking about moving to Australia

But we still have family in South Africa that we want to sponsor to come to New Zealand. Can we do this if we are residents in Australia, and sponsor them to Australia? Or do we have to stay in New Zealand?

3 replies, the latest on 02 July 2011.
Reply from cheers 16 years ago.

This is from my memory. Please check immigration website. You need to be in NZ for sponsoring anybody. At the time of application as well as at the time of grant of visa. Apart from that you should be resident continuously for 2 years before you can sponsor.

Reply from nikki 14 years ago.

if you are permanent residents of newzeland moving to australia you will be give a 461 subclass visa temporary residency visa.. after coming here u have to apply for permanent residency by checking onif you are eligible for permanent residency which casn be found on yes u can sponsor them if you are australiasn residents.. but your visa application for permanent residency will take upto 1 or 2 years unless u r occupation is on critical shortage list.. please check on immigration website of australia before you decide. and i think staying in newzeland and sponsoring them to australia is not a better option as of now

Reply from sabots 14 years ago.

You must be a NZ citizen to live in Australia. You cannot do it as a NZ permanent resident (see earlier posts on this). The subclass 461 is for family members (partner/children). of a NZ passport holder.

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