None (yet)
Posted by problem-solver 5 years ago.

Visiting or Emigrating to Australia with Drink Driving conviction.

Hey Guys

I have been having discussions about visiting Australia and possibly Emigrating there in the future. I have always wanted to emigrate to Australia. I have a couple of things on my criminal record.

15 years ago I got a breach of the peace charge. No jail time.

1 year ago I got charged for drunk driving which is a criminal offence. I got fined and banned but no jail time.

Will these charges prevent me visiting or possibly Emigrating to Australia?

Will they even delay any visa application?

Many thanks for reading ;)

1 reply on 13 April 2021.
Reply from anna 4 years ago.

You can't move here if you have a substantial criminal record.

You have a substantial criminal record for the purposes of the character test in the Migration Act if you have been:

sentenced to death or imprisonment for life sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or more sentenced to two or more terms of imprisonment (even if served concurrently) where the total is 12 months or more found by a court to not be fit to plead in relation to an offence but found to have committed the offence and detained in a facility or institution

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