None (yet)
Posted by qtjen 12 years ago.

Moving from NZ to Melbourne: If I don't find a Job can I apply for DPB until I get a job?

Currently working in nz have recieved DPB here for 6 mths while between jobs, Can you get this in melbourne or long do you have live in Oz before you can get this.

2 replies, the latest on 17 September 2013.
Reply from wabbajack 12 years ago.

New zealanders do not receive any social security payments. the best you could get would be family assistance and rent assistance, even then, your not getting the full entitlement. No amount of time will change this. you have to become an australian citizen to get social security payments, which takes years.

Reply from karinandtucker 11 years ago.

Ihave arrive from N.Z. 2 and a half years ago and worked and paid income tax ,I intend to make australia my home,my wife and i have 2 young boys,but divorced recently and she and my boys will return to N.Z.soon.I have found a permanent home,with an elderly lady who needs help to stay in her own home and i am locking for work close by,would the department of human services help me with a one of payment of $ 500-for job - search,and family assistance,and day to day exspences I will repay this loan as soon as i find a job.I am multi skilled and worked on building sites in carpentry,gardener and designer and my trade is auto-mechanic. yours sincerely Rodney Powell can anybody HELP

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