None (yet)
Posted by bob 13 years ago.
How do I find out if i can go to australia? I have a criminal record
What criminal records stops kiwis from going to Australia? I heard everything should be fine as long as you havent been to jail?
2 replies, the latest on 11 June 2012.
Reply from wabbajack 13 years ago.
it is mainly if you have done time or have any drug charges. you can send a letter to the australian consulate via the website and check before leaving nz. i got over here fine with drink driving and dangerous driving x 3.
Reply from shelly 13 years ago.
Hi, my hubby has a record he's in his 40s now but a bloke sexually assaulted me and said things to my hubby about raping me, my hubby retaliated in the end he or took to court and got 12 months suspended for 2 years! Clean record before that plus army past for 12 yrs! What's the chances of us getting to oz? Thanks
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