None (yet)
Posted by pep23 12 years ago.

Eligible For Hospital Care In Queensland?

Hi there...In December 2011 My family and I booked our flights to move to Emerald Queensland on March the 9th 2012 ...Two weeks later our 10 year old son was diagnosed with Aqute Rheumatic heart fever...To this day he is still in hospital care...Doctors have told us that he is fit to fly but our worry is, Is he eligble to be admitted on arrival to a public hospital to continue his care????

1 reply on 13 February 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Hi there,

Gosh sounds like a very stressful time for you all! NZers are covered for free emergency hospital care under a joint Australia-NZ agreement, but you should apply for Medicare asap after arriving to provide further cover and free/subsidised hospital and healthcare. To remove any doubt about what will happen when you arrive (especially if you will need to admit him before you have time to apply for Medicare), I would suggest contacting Medicare to see what they say: +61 2 6124 6333

Wishing you all the best!

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