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Posted by sumer 12 years ago.

I'm Dutch and married a Kiwi. Can I still live and work in Australia?

I have a Dutch passport but have been living in New Zealand for more then 20 years, I have married a Kiwi and now we would like to move to Australia, but i dont want to chance my dutch passport. Am I able to live and work in australia as well without having to leave the country every 6 months to renew my visa?

5 replies, the latest on 04 August 2018.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

You should look into applying for a New Zealand family relationship visa, which is for close family of New Zealand citizens who are not NZ citizens themselves: This will be a much better option than a holiday visa.

Reply from mr-dobalina 11 years ago.

Hi, i have got a tricky one here :) I have got a dutch passport, recently got permant residency for australia which is linked to my passport number. Now got married last and would like to take my partners surname on. Do i have to apply for a whole new passport and let immi the new passport number know? Hope any one can help me as even the dutch embassy here struggles with that one! Thanks

Reply from lisa-524 11 years ago.

Hi, i have a husband who has a New Zealand passport and i have a british passport. we both got married in Scotland, my homeland, Are we able to immigrate to Australia? thanks :)

Reply from lisa-524 11 years ago.

Hello # 3 response ! Oh my gosh! Exactly same story! My name is Lisa also! And My fiancé has a newzealand passport. And we are planning on getting married in Scotland (my homeland also!!!!) weired eh!! and we are both keen to move to Australia, but when we do marry does that mean I will be a nz citizenship?

Reply from angie 6 years ago.

Hi I live in New Zealand on a dutch passport. If I marry a Australian man can I live in Australia?

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