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Posted by greeney 13 years ago.

Can I move to Australia and get medicare cover and treatment with a pre existing cancer diagnosis?

4 replies, the latest on 05 March 2017.
Reply from graciedeska 12 years ago.

Yes, if you are a New Zealand citizen you can receive this care and treatment under medicare. However, be aware that sickness, disability and carer payments are not available to New Zealand citizens unless they apply for Australian permanent residency.

Reply from helpful 12 years ago.

Yes. New Zealand citizens can work and live indefinately in Australia. You will be covered for most benefits including Medicare Australia but not able to claim some the benefits if you arrived after 26 Febuary 2001, apply for permanent residency, pass a immigration character test and if illegible, apply for citizenship (automatic duel-citizenship) Optional.

Reply from helpful 12 years ago.

...An estimated total: Four (4) Years.

Reply from bluebutten 7 years ago.

Just wondering if the original poster ended up moving to Australia and how his oncology treatment worked. My partner (a Kiwi) still needs regular check ups for testicular cancer and has been traveling back to NZ for them...he has a medicare card so I am wondering if he can just have them here...

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