None (yet)
Posted by meme 13 years ago.

Finding employment later in life

Hi there. My husband and I travel to Australia x2 a year - the kids and grandkids are there. I am 54 and my husband is 61. We have decided to make the move for a few reasons other than the kids and grand kids, our health is great in Australia (no aches and pains with the cold, we live in Wellington) - the economy is much better. We work in a Customer Services/Tourism environment and have been with our Employer for approx 11 years. I have confidence that I will find employment but my Husband is quite concerned that he will have trouble. I guess I just need a confidence booster from someone out there! Any feed back on this?


1 reply on 06 December 2011.
Reply from pebbles 12 years ago.

Not sure if this will help, but our situation is similar in that we are of similar ages and our kids and grandees are there. Husband was made redundant from teaching job aprox 7 yrs ago and he found work in a private christian school teaching school leaving programme and later doing careers. He has been there for 6 yrs, problem is its 3 hrs away from home and we dont want to relocate becoz we hate the place. He loves his job but cant keep on working away from our home and lifestyle property. Kind of a no win situation however you look at it. He decided at almost 58 yrs old, to try his luck in oz and he sent his cv to various branches of the christian school system he works for here in a small area of the east coast between mid nsw and mid queensland. About 3 weeks later he got a phone call from a school principal in an area that ticked all the boxes, and a week later hubby was offered the job. So he starts work mid january and we are selling our lifestyle property and going to be closer to our family. we didnt think hubby would find work becoz of his age, but it turns out that they want older more experienced teachers in oz, whereas here they dont. so go for it, your chances of finding employment later in life are so much greater in oz than here. i work in the health industry and i have been offered a job in a health retreat by a friend whose establishment happens to be in the same area we are moving to. Amazing. Hope you confidence has been boosted. Ours was and we are much happier to know that we will finally be living together again.

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