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Posted by eager-to-move 13 years ago.

How much does orthodontic care cost - child needing braces

We are in the process of moving to Sydney. Our youngest child has had all her moulds etc done and are due back for her final consult before having her braces applied. The cost is approx $8000.00. How does this compare to prices in Australia, do you think we should wait and get them done over there? Also do they let you pay them off? And if so do they charge interest? Here you pay a lump sum (say a 1/3 of the total) and then a weekly amount there after (no interest). Thanks for your help.

2 replies, the latest on 29 February 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

From what I've read it costs about the same here in Australia as in NZ, although of course the cost does vary from patient to patient and sometimes with different orthodontists. Yes, the payment system for braces in Australia is also similar to NZ I believe, where you pay a lump sum and then pay the rest off week by week.

Reply from henryboy 12 years ago.

My niece got braces, in Brisbane, 2 years ago. They cost my sister AU$6500, so about NZ$8300 ( at todays rates), she did get the clear type which were about $1300 dearer. Same deal with payments, lump sum up front and pay off interest free.

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