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Posted by marky 13 years ago.

Can I obtain an Australian driver's license if I am disqualified in New Zealand?

3 replies, the latest on 07 June 2022.
Reply from anonymous 13 years ago.

if your NZ licence isn't valid you'd have to start from scratch over in AUS - their learners. Otherwise if you had a valid NZ licence (restricted or full) you'd be able to transfer it to the equivalent AUS licence. imo it's easier to have a valid NZ licence and transfer it over, rather than starting from scratch over in AUS especially as their rules are stricter for restricted (P) drivers

Reply from bouttime19 5 years ago.

Is this still valid for moving to Aus?

Reply from jr 2 years ago.

Hi there, I am losing my NZ license for 12months, however I am moving to Aus shortly. Is it possible to get an international license before I lose my NZ license to drive in Aus? Or will my NZ work license work in Aus? Cheers

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