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Posted by joanne 13 years ago.

NZ restricted license = What NSW license?

My partner and i are moving to NSW. I have a NZ restricted license which i have held since Dec 2006. What type of license will this entitle me to in NSW, and will I have to have P plates?

1 reply on 27 June 2011.
Reply from answer 13 years ago.

if you are over 19years old and have had your nz restricted for more than 3years, you can get NSW FULL drivers licence. you have to pass the eye test and do all the regular payments. ****it really helps and makes everything proceed smoothly if you have a letter from NZTA or NZ AA saying: *your age *the issue date of restricted licence *how long youve had your restricted licence

Here's the nsw govt link that will help. any more issues, contact them, but the above info should be sufficient.

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