None (yet)
Posted by millmart1 13 years ago.

I want to move to Perth but I have bad credit in New Zealand. Will this follow me??

3 replies, the latest on 27 July 2015.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

You are unlikely to have any problems opening a bank account and getting a credit card (as long as you can show you've got an income). Where it may affect you if you are applying for a big loan to buy a house or something, but even then I could not find a hard and fast answer that banks check your NZ credit record.

Reply from nz-grl 13 years ago.

no it doesnt affect you welli had really bad credit in nz and moved 2 australia and it wasnt even bought up when i applied for credit ie; credit cards bank acc cell fones and loans etc

Reply from simple 9 years ago.

Hi I'm wanting to move from NZ to Perth with my 3 children and husband. Where would I start? Any ideas or suggestions would be great thanks and benefit types out there renting a house

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