None (yet)
Posted by westie 13 years ago.

Can I move to Australia to live and work if I have been convicted and jailed for exporting drugs into Australia?

My partner and I would like to move to Australia to work. In 2005 he was convicted of exporting cocaine into Australia from NZ and sentenced to 6 and half years prison. He served 3 and a half and the rest has been completed on parole. His parole finishes Feb 2012. Will he be able to live/work in Australia at all?

3 replies, the latest on 03 January 2012.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Probably not - the Australian authorities usually block entrants from anyone with more than 1 year in prison. You can still apply and check with them though, as it is a case-by-case situation.

Reply from 6kays 13 years ago.

Most likely the answer is No, he will be lucky to even get a tourist visa.They take a very hard line on any type of drug convictions, and if the sentence is over one year, it's pretty unlikely.

Reply from wendyc 12 years ago.

unfortunately no, because the conviction is too severe. most people in this case risk further imprisonment by not declaring the convictions and going anyway however

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