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Posted by oziwi 13 years ago.

How do I become a permanent resident of Australia??

3 replies, the latest on 28 December 2019.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi there,

To become a permanent resident of Australia you need to apply for a permanent visa. This could be a general skilled migrant visa, a family visa or a business skills visa. If you are eligible and the permanent visa is granted, you can then eventually apply for citizenship.

Reply from jhon 10 years ago.

I am studying in Australia from 5years. I am a international student. I am 15 years old. When do I need to apply permanent residence?

Reply from brandan 4 years ago.

I'm trying to live in Australia and do my senior year in high school while living with family. how many different visas do I need to be able to do that?

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