None (yet)
Posted by rach-t 13 years ago.

Once I am approved to immigrate to Australia, how long do I have to leave the UK before I would have to reapply? Thanks

My partner is a citizen and we both live in UK, so he can go back anytime, I would be going as his defacto.

2 replies, the latest on 17 January 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi there Rach,

When your visa is approved there will be an entry date on it. You need to enter Australia by this date otherwise it would be considered cancelled and you would have to reapply. How long you have to make the initial entry for your visa will depend on what type of visa you are getting.

Hope that helps :)

Reply from rach-t
13 years ago.

Thank you for your help :) xx

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