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Posted by mrsmrfy 13 years ago.

Will I keep my NZ Permanent Residency?

Hi there, I am a NZ Permanent Resident and have lived in NZ for 16 years (stupidly didn't get citizenship in this time). Now my husband (he is a New Zealand Citizen, as is my 11 year old) want to go and live in Australia for some time; he wants to go soon so there isn't time for me to apply for citizenship so I will need to go on a subclass 461 visa. My question is, if we stay there for 5 years or even longer, will I get back into NZ and retain my permanent residency? Any help would be much appreciated as I don't want to lose this.

1 reply on 05 January 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi there! I think this link will answer your question: It seems your permanent resident visa won't be affected as long as your return to NZ before either the visa or your passport expires. This link also has some useful info:

Hope that helps!

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