None (yet)
Posted by grainne 14 years ago.

Is it possible to be able to move to Australia if I'm over 50?

I am a permanent resident here and my sister has had a few holidays there would love to emigrate. She and her husband are in their middle 50s. My sister's husband has many qualifications so maybe he would be able to get a work visa? They would be self sufficient as they would rent or sell their home in Ireland. Any clues anybody? Thanks

1 reply on 09 November 2010.
Reply from graciedeska 14 years ago.

Hi Grainne,

Unfortunately skilled migrant visas are only available up to 45 years of age. However, if your sister's husband is very qualified he may be able to be sponsored by an employer.

Other Visas to check out would be: *Family visa *Study visas

All the best :)

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