None (yet)
Posted by australian-immigration 14 years ago.

Can my sister-in-law sponsor me and my family for an Australian visa?

My husband's sister is an Australian citizen. Can she sponsor me and my family (myself and my daughters), except my husband, under the other close relatives immigration visa? My daughters are aged 1 and 4 years old. I am 29 years old and have a masters degree in maths. My score in IELTS is 6 in all the 4 categories.

1 reply on 15 November 2010.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Unfortunately I don't think she can, unless she is your husband's only remaining relative. I think your best option would be to apply for a skilled migrant visa, seeing you have a post graduate degree.

It would be a good idea to talk to Australian immigration directly about your situation, as they can offer expert advice :)

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