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Posted by thomas-fraser-kena 14 years ago.

Applying for a family permanent resident visa

I am 41 years old working in New Zealand as a registered nurse. Is it possible for me to emigrate to Australia? My husband is 47 years old and is working as a psychiatric assistant. We've got two children aged 15 and 11. Everyone in my family is a New Zealand permanent resident, so if we all want Australian permanent residence, what do we have to do?

2 replies, the latest on 26 January 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi Thomas,

You will need to apply for a skilled migrants visa to enter Australia. People working in the health profession are usually in high demand, so you shouldn't have too many problems. It will be more difficult for your husband though, as the cut off age for skilled migrant visas is 45. He could still get an employer sponsorship, but these are harder to come by. However, if you successfully get a skilled migrant visa, he should be able to come to Australia under your visa.

Reply from nikki 13 years ago.

hii, apply to permanent resident visa in skillerd migrant category through yo have to show your pay slips for 1 yer and your work experience.. check website they have all the ionfo about health services pr and i think your registration in newzeland will be recognised here too and also will have details abt your ielts requirement.. you have to be a primary applicant keeping your husband and family as secon dary applicant

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