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Posted by dilemma 15 years ago.
Moving from NZ to Australia with a child with a disability
Hi there, I have a little girl with speech problems and borderline autism. I have been told that we might not be able to move there because of this. We could go on a holiday but cannot stay permanently.
Is this true? Has anyone else moved from NZ to Australia with a child who has needed speech therapy and is under special education here?
2 replies, the latest on 13 August 2021.
Reply from beemer 15 years ago.
hi i live in NZ looking at moving but I can not see how aussie can deny your family moving because you have a child with special needs,. They cant ethically do that at all!!!
Reply from child-with-disability-moving-from-nz-to-aus 4 years ago.
Can anyone please advise if a Kiwi child can get access to special need support and education in Australia? Thanks.
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