None (yet)
Posted by james 14 years ago.

If I have a criminal record from 16 years ago, can I live in Australia?

I was young and stupid and got myself into trouble badly. I then obtained a criminal record at the age of 18-19. I am now 34, engaged and have a small child of nearly 5. Is there anything stopping me from moving to Austrailia?

2 replies, the latest on 07 November 2010.
Reply from donnyb 14 years ago.

You will have to check your condition with the Australian immigration before going. They may or may not grant you a visa (P.S.: info based on the TV program border patrol)

Reply from jayd 13 years ago.

you have to apply for a character assessment and be honest with your past, just say you looked up to the wrong people etc.. bad mates , they want you to be reformed and a good decent kiwi bloke . thats how i past the character assessment, be new and improved!

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