None (yet)
Posted by help-debra-get-her-pr 15 years ago.

I'm a NZ citizen and have lived in Australia for 8 years. I am trying to get permanent residency and then hope to become an Australian citizen.

I'm finding it extremely hard to get permanent residency as I have been in the country since Sep 2001, and the law for NZ citizens becomming permanent residents in Australia changed in Feb that year. I have called Victorian legal aid, migrants and the New Hope foundation only to be told by all that I should have rung 4 years earlier. They can only help those who have been in the country 5 years or less!

I also searched the immigration website and found we must fit into a category. I have no relatives that are Australian citizens that could sponsor me, but I am currently working part time. Now this is my main question: can my employer (who is an agency) sponsor me to become a permanent resident? If so, how much would it cost me or the employer? And what else would they need to do to help with my application? Or is there any easier way to get my PR? I'm a mother of 6 and my partner is working part time as well. We are receiving FTB.

1 reply on 31 August 2010.
Reply from nzdong 14 years ago.

First of all, you are not qualified to become an OZ Permanent Residence (PR) by default. The reason is simply - you move to OZ after Feb 2001.

Secondly, to become an OZ PR, you need to apply for it just like anyone else does. You need to find the right category, for example, independent skill (175). For most of the kiwis, skill immigration is probably the easiest because we all come here for a better job and better pay reason. However, unless you have a qualified skill or qualification, the skill category may not be available to you. For example, if you are a mechanical engineer with 4 years relevant experience, you can apply for 175 because engineers are in the Australian skill shortage list. But to be qualified as an engineer, you need a bachelor degree or relevant degree with enough working experiences and all these have to be certified by the Australian engineering association. Another example, if you are an experienced welder and you have an employee, you can ask your employee to sponsor you. Welder is also in the skill shortage list. However, if your job is not in the skill shortage list, then you will have difficulty to get your PR.

In addition, if you are over 45 years old, you are basically over for OZ PR. The best way to get the PR is to marry an OZ or use investment immigration category which generally requires several million dollars to be invested in OZ. If I have that much money, I'd rather say in NZ as the life style is sure more comfortable there.

Hope this will help!

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