None (yet)
Posted by leo-tony 15 years ago.

How can I get Australian citizenship?

I'm a full blooded Italian and have been living in Australia since I was 14 years old. I'm 52 years old now with Australian residence. I don't have a passport, how will I apply to become an Australian citizen? I really don't know..please help me. I asked some friends and they said I have to take exam to pass the test before I pledge to become an Australian citizen. At my age and after living a long time in Australia is that still needed? Please give me advice on what I should do. Thank you in advance, I hope to get a reply as soon as possible.

1 reply on 14 August 2011.
Reply from graciedeska 13 years ago.

Hi there, Yes you will most likely still need to take a test to become an Australian citizen - this applies to most people who want to become a citizen, no matter what their age. You can find full information here:

You need to fill out an application form and pay a fee of about $260 to apply. As part of the process you will have a citizenship appointment, be required to sit the test and attend the citizenship ceremony.

All the best!

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