None (yet)
Posted by roony 15 years ago.

I'm a chef from India and a permanent resident in Australia. I want to open a takeaway shop - what should I do first?

Just want to ask - do I need to register anywhere else or do I need a licence for that? If yes then where should I contact?

2 replies, the latest on 20 April 2011.
Reply from lol 14 years ago.

maybe starting looking at how to make Roti Burger first

Reply from avatar 13 years ago.

Hi. good move. Strating a business as a permanent resident is so much easier than a non resident. Even better is being self employed in a foreign country. Congratulations.good decision. You will need to apply for an ABN Number . Visit the austrailian government website. The website prompts new business owners into starting a business. Goodluck

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