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Posted by cowcop 15 years ago.

What are points for and how are they collected?

1 reply on 05 February 2010.
Reply from concerned 14 years ago.

Just recently moved to Australia (4 months now) Before applying for a rental property, on the application form there are certain documents that you must provide. Each document has points. If you have all the documents required they(the agency) will add these altogether. The aim for the rental property we applied for required 100 points. Example: proof of passport/birth certificate = 40points, drivers licence= 30 points, bank statements = 20 points and so forth. Depending on how many people will reside in the property an application per person. But having children they did not need to require the 100 point mark. Thank goodness for that. Points are another way that can allow like rental agency, or if applying for credit, prove that you are who you say you are. Like a credit check but using a different method. Hope this help.

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