None (yet)
Posted by kiwi 6 years ago.

Living in Australia without declaring dui criminal conviction

Hi all, I am an idiot and have been declaring no to criminal conviction. I have a DUI and with a google search a few years ago (5 years since), I checked if DUI was considered a criminal conviction, but the result I got said traffic offence. I couldn’t make the distinction and assumed it wasn’t. Recently I applied for a trip to Canada to get a full record from the Ministry of Justice and it came back as a criminal record (no shit). Now I am freaking out as I have been living in Melbourne for 5+ years, in/out of the country and always declared no. Should I declare yes and explain my stupidity to the customs/border people? I’m freaking out because I have a house, a job, a wife, and everything here, which I can’t afford to lose.

1 reply on 06 September 2018.
Reply from gcm 6 years ago.

It should not effect your visa status if no form of imprisonment occured but if authorities do not like you for another reason it may be used against you.

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