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Posted by tashi 7 years ago.

Where to start the process, when we are NZ Citizens wanting Aussie Citizenship ?

Can anyone point out a right direction, where to start the process, do's and dont's.. will be really helpful.


1 reply on 22 January 2017.
Reply from azizdam 7 years ago.

Becoming an Australian Citizen for kiwis living in Australia will depend on a number of factors. When did you arrive in Australia to live? Did you perhaps visit Australia before 1994? The 4 years is also calculated with time spent in/out of country. A permanent visa holder of 1 year is required before being eligible. So there again, when you arrived in Australia is a factor or consideration.

Basically, there are no do and dont's, it comes down to whether you are eligible or not. Cost is $360.00. Process usually takes around 6 months.

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