None (yet)
Posted by summerrain 8 years ago.

Studying in Australia

I have lived in Australia almost all my life, over 25 years now. I am a New Zealand citizen and have no details of my coming to Australia. I have recently managed to get my New Zealand passport and now have my drivers licence. I am on Centrelink Carer payments. I am looking into trying to do study here in Australia, but I keep seeing that I need a special visa. I have no idea if I even have one and no way of finding out from my family. How do I go about finding out my visa, if I have one? What would happen if I dont? To be honest Im a little worried. My family rely on my a lot. My partner is Australian citizen and our son is too, not sure if it makes much difference. Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

1 reply on 22 January 2017.
Reply from azizdam 7 years ago.

It looks like you arrived in Australia in 1992 as a NZ citizen. If this is correct you are classed as an "exempt" permanent resident of Australia. You are eligible to apply for a Resident Return Visa, cost $360.00. This is a permanent visa which you must hold for 1 year before becoming eligible to apply for Australian Citizenship. Cost is $360.00. I think these 2 options would be the cheapest and best way for you.

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