None (yet)
Posted by jason 8 years ago.

Did you have to surrender your NZ driver's licence?

Hi all, Visited VicRoads recently to check if I could convert my NZ licence to an Australian one and I was told that I needed to surrender my NZ licence first for them to replace it with an Australian one.

Just checking to see if this happened with others or was I just given the wrong answer, somehow?


Reply from forum moderator 6 months ago on 3 November 2023.

No, you do not have to surrender your NZ license. In the past, this was something that was very inconsistent between different VicRoads offices - some requested that you surrender your license and others didn't.

If you are asked to surrender your license, challenge it and go to another VicRoads if they insist.

For the latest info on driving in Australia, please see our Driving In Australia page as we update it regularly.