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Posted by nz-and-uk-people 9 years ago.

What's the easiest way for us to stay in Australia?

Hi so my partner is a nz citizen and I am a UK citizen..we have been in Australia for about 4 months now and wish to stay here for a very long time. We have been together for 5 years and will be getting married shortly. The question is what are our options to stay in Australia? How easy is it for my partner to get PR here and can I then go on his as his partner where he sponsors me? He is a rigger ...I'm not sure if that is skilled? I have nothing on the skilled list :( I will have to do my agriculture work for my second year and then after that would love something more perm...please please help us we are desperate to stay here :)

1 reply on 11 June 2015.
Reply from alias61 9 years ago.

Hi, not sure of the ins and outs, but simply for your partner, as he entered on a NZ passport he is allowed to work and live here as long as he wants, (just doesn't get benefits). I think the visa he would have electronically got is called an SCV. I think unless you married you would not be able to stay - unless you did apply down the standard route of the point system I am British, but an NZ Citizen who has just moved to Aus, only know this as googled it all, just google your question and go to the Government sites, they tell you exactly where you stand, but your partner is legal for as long as he likes. Hope you get to stay, it truly is awesome here!

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