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Posted by wanderwonderer 9 years ago.

Should I check yes for a minor in consumption charge if it was removed from my record?

I was charged for a minor in consumption of alcohol when I was 19 (I'm 24 now), but it was removed from my record after I paid the fine. Do I still need to check 'yes' on the app for the work and holiday visa(462) when it asks about convictions?

1 reply on 04 May 2015.
Reply from pete-melbourne 9 years ago.

my partner is American, had a DUI driving record & was still able to come to Australia on 1 year visitor visas over the last 5 years, if it's been taken off your record I would'nt worry about it as our drinking laws are different then U.S , if unsure go to Australian immigration website. Good luck mate!

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