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Posted by otago-student 9 years ago.

Can I transfer my NZ "truck" (class 4) licence to an Australian equivalent (HR) in Perth?

I can see there are a few similar questions, but no full answers. Can I just transfer, or do I need to do the tests in Australia again?

4 replies, the latest on 29 September 2019.
Reply from deano 9 years ago.

I'm in the process of moving there. Yes you will have to do another test but I understand its only about ten questions. No practical.

Reply from shack 8 years ago.

Can I convert my class 4 and RTW license in oz all in one test or do I have to do them separate?

Reply from abu-nasar 6 years ago.

I am thinking of moving to NZ can I convert my HR truck licence to NZ truck licence? (what class would that be) Do I have to sit for a practical test?

Reply from colinm 5 years ago.

Can anyone confirm about WA. I have Full Class 1,2,3,4,5,6, WTR which is machinery, Forklift, Dangerous Goods, Passenger Service, Vehicle Recovery and am a I Endorsed Instructor for New Zealand. Need to know about what from above can be transferred to Australian WA Licence, I am guessing some will not be able to be transferred

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