None (yet)
Posted by janices 9 years ago.

How long for a visa to process?

2 replies, the latest on 01 December 2014.
Reply from janices
9 years ago.

Hi I've posted my application (461) yesterday with everything intact I'm a UK citizen married to a kiwi, currently on temp visa in Nz, I posted our life away with that application so no come backs, has anyone received visa acceptance within 6 weeks? I ask because I'm heading to Oz with my family who are holidaying from the UK on dec27th ( for a holiday to stay with Oz relatives) and would love it to be approved by then, or should I just wait until last min and get visitor visa maybe the week before I'm supposed to go with my family..? To be covered? I have explained everything in my visa and hoping it will be approved prior. Any advice would be grateful


Reply from visadramas 9 years ago.

When I resided in NZ as an US Citizen - I applied for the 461 to live in Australia. This was a few years ago and from what I recall I received an answer within 6 weeks. Goodluck!

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