None (yet)
Posted by foxloc 10 years ago.

Is there reason to apply for the visa with a drink driving conviction?

I had a DIC two years ago - lost my license for 6 months. I am moving to Australia in a couple of months, I am a NZ citizen.

Do I need to fill out that consent to disclosure form? Or should I just declare it when I get to Aussie?

I'm sure I will be granted the SCV, but just want to make sure

2 replies, the latest on 15 January 2015.
Reply from me-too 9 years ago.

Hi there, I have a similar problem. Have u got any answers about what is best to do?

Reply from optimistic 9 years ago.

Hi there yes you should be fine so long as that's the only conviction and you tick YES on the passenger card when arriving in Australia! in any instances alike always tick YES if otherwise your chances will look bad and you may end up being deported for falsification. If anything though you should be OK

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