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Posted by william5 10 years ago.

Returning permanent resident - Visa issues?

I was born in England but moved to Australia when I was a very young child. I am a permanent resident of Australia, but left Australia in August 2010 to move to England for family reasons. My permanent residency Visa expired in 2012 but I believe this expiry is 5 years after the date it was issued (February 2007), but I was led to believe that you can return to Australia on your permanent residency Visa for up to 5 years after the date you leave the country. I want to return, so do I simply reapply for my expired permanent residency Visa or do I have to apply all over again, starting on perhaps a temporary visa? Also, before we left Australia, we had a citizenship application accepted, but instead of pursuing it, we left a few months later. Will I have to reapply for citizenship after a number of years of being back in the country or will the citizenship application still be valid? Hope this all made sense, it's complicated!

1 reply on 16 September 2015.
Reply from gail 9 years ago.

I have a visa for Australia. I have lived here for 40 years, I might have a criminal record at the end of the month. Can I still have my visa to get in and out of the country?

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