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Posted by petesp 10 years ago.

Does the process outlined in moving money to Australia work in reverse?

Reply from forum moderator 5 months ago on 19 November 2023.

For reference, the OP is referring to the following page where we describe how to convert your NZ dollars to Australian dollars:

1 reply on 19 November 2023.
Reply from rare-japan 5 months ago.

Yes it does. So instead of converting NZ dollars to Australian dollars, you can just as easily convert Australian dollars into NZ dollars.

Instead of 'paying' for your AUD with NZD, you will instead pay for NZD with AUD. So you will need to pay the instructed AUD amount into your the nominated account of your chosen foreign exchange provider.

Your purchased NZD will then be sent to the bank account you nominate to receive the funds.

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