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Posted by inquiry 10 years ago.

How would you go about coverting New Zealand Heavy truck licenses over to an Australian?

If you have obtained class 2,4 & 5F licenses plus DGs, F endorsements & heavy earthmoving machine operating licenses in New Zealand would they need to be converted if moving to Perth Australia? If so, what would you need to do? Who would you need to speak to? And cost?

Reply from forum moderator 5 months ago on 8 November 2023.

Things have changed in 2023. For the latest information about transferring your heavy vehicle liences from NZ to their WA equivalent, please see this page of the WA Department of Transport:

and also:

4 replies, the latest on 08 November 2023.
Reply from kiwi 10 years ago.

Mate all the New Zealand truck licenses have there equivalent over in Australia so look up the Department of Transport website for the state you wish to live/work in and they will have information on what you need to transfer your license.

Your class 5 licence here is called a HC license (heavy combination). It isn't hard to look up the information for prices etc if I knew I'd tell you. I think it's different in every state. As for dangerous goods endorsements etc I'm not sure what you have to do to transfer them over but I'm pretty sure it's quite expensive.

Reply from colinm 5 years ago.

I am going to move to Aussie, but need to upgrade to HC and MC, I think I need proof that I drive BTrains here for the MC and also pass a test, is it just a theory or a practical as well, happy to do both

Reply from rare-japan 5 months ago.

It depends on which state you are moving to in Austraila. Often you will need to complete a knowledge test to obtain the relevant heavy vehicle licenses. Check the website of the transport authority in the state you are moving to for the latest details.

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